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Category Archives: Beauty and Health & Lifestyle

What type of cough is consider dangerous ?      

What type of cough is consider dangerous ? Coughing is considered a normal reaction of our body. Because it can occur for many different reasons because of any impact from various external factors. Coughing is also a warning sign. of our body and there is still something wrong

The dangers of cigarettes that you should know

The dangers of cigarettes that you should know I must say that As we all know, cigarettes contain many addictive substances and substances that can harm our bodies. Plus, they are things that can cause various diseases that are serious to the body to the

Tips for managing your mental health well every day.

Tips for managing your mental health well every day. Stress is something that is accumulated a lot. In daily life, stress can occur from many things, such as stress from work. Having to separate the burden and pressure from working too much Stress from studying

Diarrhea is a symptom that everyone must experience.

Diarrhea is a symptom that everyone must experience. Diarrhea is when we have loose bowel movements or bowel movements. That are more watery than normal. There may be many causes and symptoms. It appears to be a non-serious, non-dangerous food, causing many people to

“Towels” are a source of germs

Towels are one of the things that harbor germs. But we often overlook and don’t give much importance to cleanliness. Many people tend to clean their homes, shoes, and clothes frequently. But they often forget and don’t pay attention to nearby items such as towels that accumulate a lot

10 good benefits from “pea flowers”

When do you think of food or sweets that are bluish-purple? Many people immediately answer that this beautiful color definitely comes from the “pea flower“ besides giving a beautiful blue color. to be used in cooking, such as our Thai desserts Butterfly pea flowers also have many benefits that you

Flu VS Dengue Fever: What are the different symptoms?

During the dengue fever outbreak, sometimes when the body has a fever We may think it’s just the common cold. Until you realize you have dengue fever, you may already be in the midst of severe symptoms. This can be life-threatening if the symptoms are really severe. Symptoms of the

Is decaf coffee really good for your health?

Normally, everyone is accustomed to drinking coffee that contains caffeine. But in fact, now there is decaf coffee It has already happened. But some people may still have doubts. How is decaffeinated coffee different from coffee that contains caffeine? Is it really good and healthy ? What is decaffeinated coffee? decaffeinated coffee Its